
The Anti-Racism Education Project

Who We
Est. 2020

We are a platform to connect those who want to learn with existing educational resources, a supportive community, and opportunities to engage with Black scholars, activists, and artists who are willing to teach about the Black experience.
The project organizers, especially the non-Black organizers, are not producing educational content or trying to educate participants ourselves. Anyone can sign up to organize and contribute as much as they want.
We Started Because...
We wanted to find a community of peers who would keep participants accountable to continue educating themselves on anti-blackness, even when the headlines move on.
Some learn best through discussion - prompting the creation of virtual meetings. We are not hoping to learn about the Black experience from our peers, but with our peers because it would provide different perspectives and expereiences.

We do not ask our Black participants or organizers to teach non-Black members about anti-racism because it is not their duty; we are learning from the material that Black creators have already produced (and acknowledge if the content is not produced by Black creators). If participants want to share their experiences, we always listen and never invalidate their experience with anti-Black racism. In the future, we hope to have affinity groups for our Black members.

Participant Goals
Our participants feel they have the tools they need to step up in conversations and spread awareness in their communities.
Our participants focus on the educational material provided to examine anti-Blackness in their own lives and communities.
Our participants will use their knowledge later in life when they are in positions of power and can promote anti-racism (e.g. hiring more equitably or writing and lobbying for anti-racist policies).
Transparency and Trust: We’re here to listen, take suggestions, and create a safe and conducive learning environment for all. We hope our participants trust one another to keep confidentiality and have the best intentions during discussions.
Education: We want to make learning about anti-Blackness approachable and sustainable. We also want to ensure the content is accessible to our participants. We have groups focusing on socio-economic, neurodivergent, and language accessibility, and we are continuing to discuss new ways to make our club more accessible.
Community: We value creating a healthy, safe community for all. We also try to support Black-owned businesses by directing participants to buy our selected content from Black-owned businesses and featuring Black creators on our social medias.
Respect: We expect our participants to be respectful under all circumstances. We aspire to create a space conducive to discussion and education; this can only be achieved with mutual respect.
Compassion: We welcome anyone who is willing to learn, no matter how educated they are on racism. We assume the best intentions from our participants, but will recognize the impact if there is harm.

Questions? Concerns? Issues?
Facebook @theAREprojectt
Instagram @theareproject
Venmo @TheARE-project
Email - theareproject@gmail.com
By The Numbers


125+ Organizers